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123 Club

123 Club is a little bit of fun at the end of the school day for P1, P2 and P3 children.  The session runs from 1:45 - 2:45pm in the Beehive, and it allows the younger children to stay on for an extra hour and enjoy some time simply playing and having fun. On Wednesday afternoons the P4 children are entitled to come along as well, if they wish.


Once the children arrive they all enjoy a drink of juice and a biscuit before the real fun begins. Each day there are a variety of activities, games and crafts on offer, all of which are organised and supervised by one of our Classroom Assistants.


123 Club costs £3.00 per session.  In order to secure the child’s place for the following week your child should bring the correct money to their class teacher each Friday. It is important that booking forms are sent in on Friday, for the following week, to allow us to plan ahead. If you do not send your form in the week before there is an additional charge and a different booking form - 'Last Minute' Booking Form (see below).


It's entirely up to parents how often they wish to send their children to 123 Club each week, if at all.
