At Brackenagh West Primary School we aim to provide a happy, friendly, caring environment where all children can feel secure and valued. Children are strongly encouraged to develop self-discipline and mutual respect for each other and for all adults in an atmosphere that promotes learning and excellence, enabling children to fulfil their true potential. We place a very high value on children being happy within our school.
Parents and visitors are welcomed into the school. Their involvement and contribution are sought across the school in a partnership that enhances the children’s education, welfare and social awareness. All members of staff, teaching and non-teaching alike, are valued and are actively encouraged to extend and develop their teaching skills and interests.
To help us achieve the above, we aim:
• to establish a happy family atmosphere within the school community, where our children can progress and develop to their full potential.
• to provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
• to help develop in our pupils, lively, enquiring minds and an ability to apply themselves to mental tasks and physical skills.
• to encourage our children to acquire knowledge and skills in preparation for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
• to help our pupils understand the world in which we live and to appreciate human achievements and aspirations.
• to develop knowledge, understanding and respect for the Christian religion, and to develop tolerance and respect for other religions and races.
Our Motto: ‘Building foundations for life’