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Asda Bag Pack

A huge thank you to everyone who helped out with the Bag Pack in Asda on Saturday 13th December. In conjunction with the balloon launch sales, over £1000 was made for school on Saturday, which was an amazing effort! 


A special thank you to Mrs Diane Haugh-Graham who has planned and organised the whole initiative from beginning to end, and to the pupils of the Enterprise Club who have been so enthusiastic in their efforts.


The final total raised has risen to £1921.32 which is tremendously valuable to school in these days of deep cuts to the education budget. Congratulations to everyone involved, particularly the people listed below who gave of their time on Saturday.


Helen McConnell,  Sharon Verner, Olive Hanna, Christine McConnell, Charlotte Reilly, Shirley Annett, Harriet Annett, Wilma Annett, Alison Spiers, Amanda Irvine, Lorraine Young, Grace Martin, Yvonne Morris, Pauline Newell, Amanda Herron, Freda Annett, Helga Harris, Lenora Chambers, Lorna Henderson and Ruth Graham. 
